[Facebook] Abusing and Disabling "Book Now"

 This bug was a bypass to a resolved issue which I reported some time ago - [Facebook]Disable Service Appointments


A hacker could have used missing rate limit in setting up Appointments for a Service created by a Page and hide the legit Appointments.

A request going to -






could be manipulated and repeated to bypass the rate limit in place.

In this request body there are two objects "end_time":1554798600" and "start_time":1554796800" which are unix timestamps for start and end time for the appointments.

By a customised payload list we can automate a bruteforce attack which will make appointment requests with new timings.

Evaluation for rate limiting -

In the POC video sent to the Facebook Security team, I had shown that we are not getting blocked as the response for every request will be "successful_results": 1,.

We can send 4000 requests in just less then 2 minutes and we are not getting silently blocked after 4001th request as the owner of the page is getting the 4001th notification.

The response for every request would be -

"successful_results": 1,
"error_results": 0,
"skipped_results": 0
The same behaviour could be found in FB4A requests and the responses if followed the same bypass.
The request -


POST/graphql HTTP/1.1


The response -




Timeline -

Reported - Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Triaged - Friday, April 12, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019 - Closed - "Due to the limited nature of this issue, we don't feel it has enough of a security impact to be rewarded via the bug bounty program. As previously discussed, there were in fact rate limits in place here."

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